
Puerto Princess underground river

Подземната река Пуерто ПринцесаPuerto PrincesaPodzemnata river is most picturesque part of theeponymous national park in the Philippines. It runs under the St Paulmountain range, located on the northern coast of Palawan island, before flowing into the West Philippine Sea. Puerto Princess is the longestunderground river in Asia and second longest in the world.
Color river actually has two names. The upper section named Kabajugan,springs from Mount Bloomfield and flowing down its slopes, where its waters are used mainly for irrigation of rice fields. Then in the lower reaches, the river disappears somewhere under the mountain of St. Paul and reappears in Cave National Park Puerto Princess as an underground river, after whichit gets its name.
Подземната река Пуерто Принцеса
Подземната река Пуерто Принцеса
Подземната река Пуерто Принцеса
Подземната река Пуерто Принцеса

Creative advertising posters for "Axe"

This latest advertising posters of "Axe". They are a true example of how we react when a person of the opposite sex smells nice. In this case,advertisers and male and female "Axe".

3D illusion in London lift

This creative optical illusion set in Southside shopping center in London in order to prepare the British public launch of the new attraction at Alton Towers Resort, Nemesis Sub-Terra (scary driving underground theme parkin dark caves and awesome). Interesting are the reactions of people when they opened the doors of the elevator and when it seems that the pace ofdecline in a deep hole. Watch the video and imagine your reaction if you arein their place.

The worst places to live!

1. Siberia, Russia

2.St. Helena

3. Devil's Island, French Guinea

4. Buford, Wyoming

5. New York

Golden waterfall

Златен водопадOne najfascinantinite places in the world is golden waterfall "Horse Tail" (Horsetail Falls), located in National Park Yosemite National Park inCalifornia. Falls on the east side of natural izvajanata vertical rock ElCapitan and looks like only once a year in winter or early spring. The strongsun slowly going down, at one point on the waterfall throws perfect goldenlight, for which the crystal clear water begins to resemble a volcanic lava.True celestial beauty, which unfortunately lasted only two weeks a year.

Златен водопад
"Bushfire" water falling from about 600 meters, and are best observed andphotographed, if you stand on a small and clean moor, located east of ElCapitanLedinkata is near a picnic area on the north side of the road leading to Yosemite National Park valley.
As the sun slowly setsand a strong golden color of the waterfall slowlyfades until completely disappear ...

Златен водопад
In this rare natural phenomenon and enjoy over the next video, made ​​two years ago.

Luxury cruising on the Amazon

Луксузно крстарење по Амазон  Luxury boat-hotel "Akva" the company "Aqua Expeditions" sail  throughnajmagichnite regions of the Amazon. The ship was designed by Peruvianarchitect Jordi Puig and is currently the only luxury ship sails on Amazon. On it are 12 apartments of 24-square meters, having a panoramic view thanks to huge windows. The intimate atmosphere with 5-star hotel boasts a beautiful forest that predominates amazing wild fauna.
On this cruise you can go at any time of year, and each time the experienceis unique because the seasons are changing. During the dry season, the river retreats and form beautiful sandy beaches.
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон
Луксузно крстарење по Амазон

Wilderness as it rarely can be seen

Snow visited Tunisia. In cities and Tatauin Matmati desert turned white andenable an extraordinary sight.

Low temperatures and snow last week struck Tunis and snow covered thedesert on Sunday. The last time snow fell in Tunisia in 1962.

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Кликни за да зголемиш!

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Bronze David

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Savannah Bird Girl Statue

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The Discus Thrower

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The Kiss

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Hermes and The Infant Dionysus

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Lady Justice

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La Pieta

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The Thinker

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Venus de Milo

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