
Golden waterfall

Златен водопадOne najfascinantinite places in the world is golden waterfall "Horse Tail" (Horsetail Falls), located in National Park Yosemite National Park inCalifornia. Falls on the east side of natural izvajanata vertical rock ElCapitan and looks like only once a year in winter or early spring. The strongsun slowly going down, at one point on the waterfall throws perfect goldenlight, for which the crystal clear water begins to resemble a volcanic lava.True celestial beauty, which unfortunately lasted only two weeks a year.

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"Bushfire" water falling from about 600 meters, and are best observed andphotographed, if you stand on a small and clean moor, located east of ElCapitanLedinkata is near a picnic area on the north side of the road leading to Yosemite National Park valley.
As the sun slowly setsand a strong golden color of the waterfall slowlyfades until completely disappear ...

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In this rare natural phenomenon and enjoy over the next video, made ​​two years ago.

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