
Beautiful desert oasis in China

Прекрасна пустинска оаза во КинаAt a distance of about 6 kilometers from the external parts of the city Danhuang in South China, is Kresent lake - an oasis in the Gobi desert that will take away your breath. Known as Juejakuan in China, with the crescent shape, it is a huge tourist attraction. Here is one of the largest temples dedicated to Buddha.
Marked as a place that is world heritage, the lake is constantly decreasing since the 70s and currently its size is three times smaller than the original. In the last 3 decades down to something less than 8 meters. But stated that the state decided to do something to restore the original depth of the lake continues to prevent its reduction. Hopefully they will succeed in its intention to enable future generations to enjoy the stunning beauty of nature.
Прекрасна пустинска оаза во КинаПрекрасна пустинска оаза во КинаПрекрасна пустинска оаза во КинаПрекрасна пустинска оаза во Кина

10 most beautiful panoramas in the world

Urban life in the world begins and ends every day every night under the supervision of the highest skyscrapers in the city and najgradioznite architectures in the world. Sit nicely and see the most brilliant panoramas in the world. These are images created for enjoyment.

1. Seattle, USA - Commercial and Cultural Advanced Technology Center of Northwest U.S. and major port city for Pacific and European trade.

2. Shenzen, China - so long ago a small fishing village on the border with Hong Kong, now a truly grand city with over 6 million inhabitants. Currently the city has over 20 buildings taller than 200 meters. The city is constantly evolving.

3. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - This is perhaps the most impressive city in the world with less than 2 million inhabitants. Beautiful buildings soar to heaven. Rarely built each of them gives a special beauty of the panorama.

4. Toronto, Canada - a place which brings together many cultures and ethnicities. Panorama includes seven buildings that are higher than 200 meters, one of which is high even 573 meters and has the same epithet tallest building in North America.

5. Tokyo, Japan - This is definitely the most populated city in the world. For many this is the capital of the world, or the istiochniot part. In his panorama can be seen even 18 buildings taller than 200 meters.

6. Singapore, Singapore - One of the best urban planned cities. Or as an urban model should look like a city. Buildings in the city can not be higher than 280 meters due to air traffic. And exactly these three buildings are 280 meters high and 6 more else exceeds the height of 200 meters.
7. Shanghai, China - Do not confuse, Shanghai is not a space station, Shanghai is a real city. The best and most modern city in China and of course named one of the most advanced cities of the 20th century. In the city can find 28 buildings taller than 200 meters and 2 buildings higher than 400 meters.

8. New York - panorama of the city's densest and most diverse. With a large number of different buildings and different styles. This city boasts a remarkable and magnificent collection of 48 buildings that exceed more than 200 meters.

9. Chigako, USA - This is the city that can say that the germ of panoramic photography. Right here is built first and the highest building in the world in the distant 1885. Chicago has 20 buildings that exceed the height of 200 meters and are built in a style and architecture.
10. Hong Kong, China - This is the city with the largest metro in the world. It houses more than 43 buildings that exceed 200 meters. In Hong Kong are 17 highest buildings in the world.

Island that floats

Орсос - вашиот личен остров кој пловиThe islands are Orsos luxury "islands" that can move and anchoring a variety of destinations. Although many resemble a ship, they are more like a platform. Orsos islands are part of Gabor Orsos and his Austrian company, which has already started building prototypes in Germany and Hungary. Expected by the end of 2013 to find the market for sale.
These photos are just an interpretation, but the concept definitely attracts much attention and can be a great replacement for a villa or hotel. With accommodation for about 12 guests, tourists could find besides some small islands ...
Still no official figure for the cost of an island Orsos, but according to rumors, it would be around 4.6 million dollars. In any case, for now it remains only to admire the pictures and hope that sometime in the future would have the opportunity to visit.
Орсос - вашиот личен остров кој плови
Орсос - вашиот личен остров кој плови
Орсос - вашиот личен остров кој плови
Орсос - вашиот личен остров кој пловиОрсос - вашиот личен остров кој пловиОрсос - вашиот личен остров кој плови

A visit to the magical Tenerife

Spanish island Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Africa.
The island belongs to the Canary Archipelago, which contains the highest mountains in Spain, but also one of the largest volcanic craters in the world.

Capital of the island is Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is also the seat of government.

This island is full of fascinating art of nature, beautiful beaches, the rocks themselves beaches, nearby mountains and pleasant air.

In the northern part of Tenerife are the oldest resorts in the Canary Islands called Puerto de la Cruz or shortened to Porto.

The island hides a number of attractions that are worth to be visited.

We will mention the impressive, including botanical garden founded by King Carlos III, Loro Letter park began as a parrot park, but now is an award winning center for wildlife and Loro Letter Martinez, a remarkable complex of sea water pools designed by artist Caesar Lancaroten Manrike.

The beaches in Tenerife are not their strongest side because most beaches are dark, but residents believe that visitors would like to explore the cultural treasures and nature than to enjoy the beaches, so for that reason does not deal enough attention to them.

However, the authority to remedy the situation spent budget funds for the creation of several artificial beaches in southern resorts of Tenerife.
Anyway, enjoy the view.

Priest's house on a tree

Свештеничката куќа на дрвоPriest's house tree is built by the Rev. Horace Burdzhes. It is located in Krosvil, Tennessee, and reaches a height of 30.5 meters. After 11 years of intensive construction, without preparing in any building plan, this unique church is amazing tree house built only by planks and nails.
The whole structure resembles a magical house fairy tales. Through it has made many rooms and corridors that are interconnected with one another. really impressive

Свештеничката куќа на дрво
Свештеничката куќа на дрво
Свештеничката куќа на дрво

Canada in an unprecedented light

Канада во досега невидено светлоCanada is a country with untouched nature, diverse wildlife, beautiful small lakes. Land of skyscrapers and interesting architecture. Meet closely through the following photos breathtaking.

Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло
Канада во досега невидено светло

Cape Town as you do not know

Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаелеCape Town is the second most populous city in South Africa immediately after Johannesburg. Originally Cape Town was the largest city in South Africa until it was replaced with Johannesburg due to the discovery of gold and diamonds.
Cape Town abounds with spectacular mountains and beautiful beaches. Therefore, this city is perfect for outdoor activities like rock climbing, sailing on board and ride a bicycle.
Едно од најпознатите туристички обележја на Кејптаун е планината Тејбл, од каде што туристите може да уживаат во прекрасната панорама на градот.
Жичницата води до врвот на планината Тејбл, место од каде што може да се видат китови, фоки и пингвини во водите околу ‘ртот Добра надеж.
In the bay of Cape Town can often encounter great white shark. Therefore, beaches are set flags in color indicating the degree of danger of this kind sharks.
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле
Кејптаун каков што не сте го знаеле

Integral Excalibur - the highest artificial rock climbing

Ескалибур - највисоката вештачка карпа за качување37-foot artificial rock climbing "Integral Excalibur" is a real challenge for climbers. Located in the Dutch city of Groningen, the sports complex Klimcentrum Bjoeks, and now goes to the highest artificial rock. The origin of its name is more than obvious. Unlike the sword, but the size of a 12-molars.
The rock is not meant just for professionals in the sport, but for anyone interested. Anyone is free to try their opportunities. How to climb above, the distortion of the rock is greater. Straying from bottom to top is for 11 meters. For some Integral Excalibur is child's play, but other unattainable goal. However, at this level receive even the most experienced dizziness.Undo edits
Ескалибур - највисоката вештачка карпа за качување

Ескалибур - највисоката вештачка карпа за качување
Ескалибур - највисоката вештачка карпа за качување
Ескалибур - највисоката вештачка карпа за качување